Death to the New Year!

Death In Mind, a nonfiction essay in philosophical psychology, is set for release January 1, 2024.

Death In Mind is volume five in the award-winning Discovering the Mind series. This series of essays is the result of a fifty-year hunt for the mind. What is it? How does it work? Death is part of that answer.

Nobody really knows what it’s  like to die because it seems to be a one-way journey. In the context of personal experience, an investigation into death would seem to be a dead-end.

However, Black Holes of Nothingness (BHNs) perforate all of normal experience. They are periods of mental absence. Most are unremarkable such as dreamless sleep, anesthetic blackout, and the nothingness in some kinds of meditation.  What if death is just another BHN?

If death is like other BHNs, we should be able to learn something about it by examining the everyday kind of BHN using special first-person methods.

Reframed like that, death appears to be not a singularity at the end of life but rather, an ordinary event that repeats throughout experience.

Death In Mind is available as a 6×9 paperback on Amazon, or as a Kindle book. It’s also available as an e-book at many other retailers such as Apple and Barnes & Noble. Just enter the UBL (Universal Book Locator) to see those retailers.

  • Kindle ebook:  ISBN 979-8-9877761-7-9
  • KDP Paperback:   ISBN 979-8-9877761-8-6
  • Universal Book Locator: UBL

Finding the Mind Series

If you’re wondering about those mysterious Black Holes of Nothingness (BHNs) mentioned above, you may want to see Nothing in Mind.

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If you’ve never heard of any “first-person methods” for studying the mind, you should take a look at “Nothing in Mind” and “Scientific Introspection.”

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If you would like clarity on how “the mind” is defined in this context, see “Mind Without Brain: A Proposal.”Mind Without Brain Cover

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If you are wondering how the mind is connected to the body, one answer is in “Mind, Body World.”cover


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