How to Publish Psi-fi

My new nonfiction book comes to life online today. Publish Your Novel Online for Under $500: A Step-by-step Guide for Writers, is the self-explanatory title. It’s online at Amazon ( as a Kindle ebook or as a paperback.

I have published four Psi-fi novels online, and the process was not always simple and obvious. I learned many tricks and techniques along the way, and fortunately, I kept notes on what I did. This book is those notes.

Friends and fellow-writers often asked me how to get from finished computer file in Word or Pages, to ebook for sale on Amazon and elsewhere? What is the process? Where do you start? Do you make a lot of money?

That last question is easy: It’s the opposite of money-making, as the subtitle of this new book might suggest. But it is a lot of fun and ultimately satisfying to see my novels for sale online.

It is possible to turn your manuscript over to a publishing service and they’ll do all the detailed work of formatting and uploading, but of course, that won’t be free. My approach was to publish for next-to-nothing, using do-it-yourself mode. This book is the step-by-step process of hands-on self-publishing, from final draft to published book.

If you really do it yourself, as I did, you need to have a bit of the geek in you. It gets technical. And you’ll need time and persistence, good problem-solving skills, and a willingness to learn things about the book-publishing industry that you might rather not know.

Even if you don’t have the propensity to wrangle your own cattle, it is still useful to know how it’s done so that when you purchase publishing services, you can evaluate what is being offered. This book reviews some of the services for sale to writers, to give a sense of that.

Besides the step-by-step how-to, I offer plenty of anecdotes of what I got wrong, and things I got right as I published my four novels. I use my publishing experience as the case-study for the how-to-do-it process.

People who generously read early drafts of the book were enthusiastic. I hope they’re right about the book being helpful to other writers.

Publish Your Novel Online For Under $500: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writers

William X. Adams

Kindle ebook:              978-1-7338927-1-1    $3.99

KDP Paperback:         978-1-7338927-4-2     $10.99

Get it at

Booklife Prize:

Usable and reader-friendly, this step-by-step guide targets unpublished as well as published writers, tapping into current industry trends while adapting traditional techniques. The book explores every aspect of publishing for authors who wish to remain independent and prefer to establish an inner circle. By providing writers with practiced tips that eliminate unwanted outside interference and mandatory editorial influence, the author provides an empowering resource… Extensive and well-researched, practical and versatile, this conversational textbook uses a concept-to-product method to edit, format, and market a novel. Like manufacturing, each phase of this publication process has a strategy.

Reader Review (Five Stars):

I strongly recommend the book–an honest and straightforward discussion of publishing and eBook without any of the promises of making millions that so many other similar books and websites seem to indulge in. If you just want to publish an eBook, this book will tell you how.