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Attic Polters Comin’ to Haunt You!

Attic Polters book cover

Attic Polters is a sequel to last year’s novel, “Polters” (; Now the Polters (ghosts) are haunting the attics of old houses in Portland, OR.  Astute readers might suspect an attic is a symbol for the mind. Whaaat? Here…
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If you like nothing, you’ll love this new paper!  It’s a nonfiction essay in philosophical psychology, all about objectless experience. Who doesn’t love objectless experience? The paper combines ideas from “Scientific Introspection” (2020) and “Nothing in Mind” (2023). See those…
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Death to the New Year!

Death In Mind, a nonfiction essay in philosophical psychology, is set for release January 1, 2024. Death In Mind is volume five in the award-winning Discovering the Mind series. This series of essays is the result of a fifty-year hunt…
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Polters Wins BRAG Medallion!

Polter cover with medallion

Polters received the Gold Medallion from Book Readers Appreciation Group (B.R.A.G) Indie-Brag brings together book club members from around the globe. When their readers recommend a book and then it gets a 5-star independent review, then presto! BRAG Gold…
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5 Stars for Polters!

Reader Views ( awarded Polters a rare five-star review.  The reviewer wrote, “Polters: First in the Polter Series” by William X. Adams, is a highly entertaining and engrossing science fiction novel with a ghostly theme… If you like novels about…
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Polters Longlisted for Cygnus Prize!

Polters, released in March, is a novel about life on the other side of the river that separates the living from the dead. And it has landed on the bottom rung of a tall ladder: the Cygnus Prize Longlist:…
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All Books Half-Price in July!

Psi-Fi Books is enrolled in the Annual Summer Sale over at  During July, you can get any book by William X. Adams at half price!  Sci-fi! Speculative Fiction!  Philosophical nonfiction! All through July, go to: All Psi-Fi books…
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